Train the Trainer Courses

Training is about helping people to learn both on and off the job. For training to be effective it must be carried out in a professional manner, using the right skills and strategies. It makes good business sense to have trained trainers delivering workplace training sessions that lead to positive changes in performance.
Our most popular Train the Trainer course is a 2 day programme which provides an excellent foundation for workplace trainers. We also offer more in depth 3 and 4 day programmes.
Newleaf Associates delivers in-house tailored and bespoke courses in Scotland and in N. Ireland. We can travel to other UK cities accessible by rail or air from Edinburgh.
Click on the links below to see individual course overviews
Train the Trainer
Course Overview

Training is essentially about helping people to learn. It can be a rewarding experience for both the trainer and the learners, but much depends on the skills of the trainer. This practical 2 day course covers the skills and knowledge needed to design and delivery training sessions that are enjoyable and have the desired impact on work performance.
Who should attend
Anyone who delivers workplace training sessions or inductions. (More in depth courses are available for those with a broader training remit.)
Course Objectives
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Design and deliver training sessions to meet identified needs and objectives
- Apply the key principles of learning to the design and delivery of training
- Create a positive learning climate through the use of various strategies
- Use questioning techniques to encourage participation
- Give constructive feedback that promotes learning and builds confidence
- Deal effectively with difficult situations and individuals
- Evaluate training through different methods and maximise transfer of learning
Course Content
- Training in the work context
- Overview of the systematic training cycle and what happens at each stage
- Key principles of how and why adults learn
- The importance of having clear objectives and how to set them
- How to structure a well balanced training session
- Using questions, visual aids and body language to facilitate learning
- How to design and run group activities successfully
- Techniques for building rapport with groups and individuals
- How to keep learners interested and maintain momentum
- Understanding group behaviour and how to deal with difficult situations and individuals
- Evaluation methods and maximising transfer of learning to the workplace
- Delivery of pre-prepared training sessions followed by review and feedback
- Personal action notes
Course Reviews
Thanks for a great experience. Great fun – very enjoyable and learned a lot.KT, Fife Council
Margaret was an excellent teacher. She always managed to pull out the best in everyone. Really enjoyed the course.RM, Fife Council
Excellent course delivered superbly by Margaret. Found myself enjoying the whole course in spite of initial misgivings about attending.FC, Heil Europe
Very enjoyable, useful course. I think we could have gone on for at least one more day!RH, Fife Council
Content very relevant and very well delivered. Trainer very helpful and approachable. Very high quality handouts. Loved the flip chart activities.SK, Chiene & Tait
Well prepared, excellent course, I would recommend.MJ, NHS Scotland
The trainer was very effective in holding everyone’s attention and making the subject matter fun and interesting. Trainer’s humour was a definite plus and helped the group to mesh and feel comfortable.EW, General Teaching Council for Scotland