Open Courses

Open courses (also known as public courses) are an alternative to in-house courses and an excellent option if you have only a small number of employees requiring a particular course. If you are an individual looking to develop your skills in a particular area, attending an open course is an ideal solution. Group sizes on open courses tend to be small, typically 4 – 6 delegates. So there is plenty of opportunity for individual support from the trainer. On courses such as Business Writing, delegates can bring along samples of their own written work and benefit from feedback.

Open Courses

On Presentation Skills and Train the Trainer courses, delegates can use the practical sessions as a means of developing and practising something they have to do for real in their workplace. Newleaf Associates offers a selection of our most popular courses as open courses. If the course you are looking for is not currently listed or the location is not convenient, please contact us anyway. We will schedule more courses in other cities according to demand.

Open Courses at Central Edinburgh Venue.

Course Title Date Course Overview
Assertiveness & Confidence Building 3 Mar Course Overview
Business Writing 17 Mar Course Overview
Chairing Meetings 24 Mar Course Overview
Communication Skills TBA Course Overview
Customer Service 7 Mar Course Overview
Dealing with Difficult People 28 Feb Course Overview
Essential Skills for Managers 10 +11 Mar Course Overview
Presentation Skills  TBA Course Overview
Report Writing 17 Mar Course Overview
Time Management TBA Course Overview
Train the Trainer 20+21 Mar Course Overview
Speed Reading 24 Feb Course Overview
Speed Writing TBA Course Overview
Supervisory Skills  14 Mar Course Overview
  • Costs: £295 per delegate per day inclusive of refreshments, lunch with choice of menu, course booklet and attendance certificate.
  • Also included, post-course support via email or telephone for 4 weeks after course completion.
  • Discounts: for employers booking more than one place on the same course; for voluntary sector organisations and for self-financing individuals. Please contact us for more details. Some courses now available via ZOOM.

If you have 4 or more employees requiring the same course then please speak to us about running an in-house course. If you are an individual looking for a course or you need something sooner than the scheduled dates, then one to one coaching can provide the solution.

Contact us now to book a place on an open course