Management & HR
Margaret Johnston
Managers, supervisors and team leaders play a crucial part in getting things done in your business. It is important that they are equipped with the right skills and know how to lead, motivate and get the best possible performance from their teams.
In many organisations the HR function is devolved and line managers have to get involved in selection interviews, disciplinary hearings etc.
All managers need to have an awareness of employment rights, equality legislation and how it impacts on the day to day management of people. Making the wrong decisions can be costly in both human and financial terms.
There is no doubt that managers learn a great deal through experience. However, this is no substitute for structured off the job training with the focus on practical skills and techniques to implement back in the workplace.
Whether your managers operate as first-line supervisors, or at a higher level, whether they are newly appointed or experienced, our management training courses will help them to be more effective.
Newleaf Associates delivers in-house tailored and bespoke courses in Scotland and in N. Ireland. We can travel to other UK cities accessible by rail or air from Edinburgh.
Click on the links below to see some management course overviews
Delivering excellent customer service is essential to the success and indeed the survival of all types of organisation. This highly practical one day course will provide the skills and techniques enabling employees to rise to the challenges of meeting customer needs and expectations. It will also provide a forum for discussing customer service issues and identifying ideas for improving the quality of customer service delivery in your business.
Who should attend
New or recently appointed managers who need help with rising to the challenges of their role. Also established managers who wish to refresh their skills and learn new techniques.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Outline the role, skills and challenges associated with being a manager
- Assess their leadership style and achieve the right balance
- Implement motivation strategies to match the needs of individuals
- Communicate effectively for different purposes and in a variety of situations
- Deal with performance issues constructively and with increased confidence
- Carry out coaching sessions and provide performance enhancing feedback
- Exploring the role and responsibilities of being a manager
- Making the transition into a management role and meeting expectations
- Analysing leadership styles along with potential effects on the team
- Achieving a balance between the needs of the task, team and individuals
- Understanding factors that motivate people and awareness of differences
- Creating the right conditions for high motivation
- Avoiding de-motivational tactics
- Delegation – why it’s not easy and how to do it effectively
- Overview of essential communication skills and common pitfalls to avoid
- Reasons for performance issues and approaches to dealing with them
- The value of feedback and different types of feedback
- Practice at giving constructive feedback using the EEC model
- Preparing and carrying out a coaching session with a team member
- Personal development goals and action notes
Trainer extremely knowledgeable – felt confident asking any query and obtaining valuable feedback. Thank you for a very informative two days.
Excellent knowledge and good explanations.
SO, Fife Council
Very good delivery. Good balance of theory and participation and kept interest at all times.
SM, Margaret Blackwood Housing Association
Excellent delivery and course materials. Some useful new ideas on coaching and giving feedback.
CD, Sterling Furniture
Excellent delivery. Good, simple and effective introduction to management principles.
SS, Fife Coast & Countryside Trust
Very good knowledge, delivery and clarity. Practical exercise very useful.
MR, Moredun Research
Topics structured and delivered in a varied and interesting way and team interaction exercises were stimulating and thought provoking.
RC, First Scottish
Management guru Warren Bennis has been quoted as saying that ‘managing people is like herding cats’ – and no doubt many managers would agree with that view. By gaining insights into behaviour styles and honing their people skills, managers can get much better results from their teams. This very practical one day course will provide managers with the opportunity to practise and develop the skills needed to communicate about performance issues and to bring about improvements.
Who should attend
Managers at any level who would like to gain a better understanding of their team members and get better performance from them.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Outline different management styles and likely impact on team performance
- Identify different people styles and how to get the best from each one
- Prepare for and conduct a productive conversation relating to performance gaps or conduct issues
- Give constructive, motivational feedback using a suitable feedback model
- Take steps to move towards a coaching style of management
- Overview of what is involved in people management and its importance in the business context
- Questionnaire and insights into individual management styles
- Impact of management styles on people and how they respond
- Adjusting styles and achieving the right balance
- What it takes to be a great people manager
- People skills and awareness of different working styles
- Getting the best from individual through making adjustments to your style
- Communications skills and the importance of rapport
- How to be assertive and maintaining this behaviour
- Building positive working relationships
- Differing perceptions and how these can affect performance and behaviour
- People management issues – behaviour, work performance, personal
- Deciding whether to confront or avoid and recognising what underlies these choices
- How to have a positive, productive conversation
- Understanding the dynamics of the conversation and using non-defensive language
- The value of feedback and demonstration of different feedback models
- Practice at giving constructive feedback using the EEC model
- Preparing and carrying out a coaching session with a team member
- Personal development goals and action notes
Margaret demonstrated an excellent knowledge of people management skills and delivered it in an easy to understand manner. All in all excellent.
DH, Hardies
Very good mix of handouts, interaction, presentation with plenty of opportunity to give opinions etc. Very worthwhile course.
GO, Hardies
Found it all interesting and insightful. Trainer very knowledgeable and approachable.
KG, Hardies
Having competent first-line managers or supervisors is vital for the smooth running of any organisation. Often supervisors are promoted from within and struggle to make the transition from being ‘one of the guys’ to being on the first rung of the management ladder. This very practical one day course will provide a valuable foundation for first-line supervisors enabling them to develop skills and confidence to get the best from their teams.
Who should attend
First-line managers and working supervisors or team leaders who need to acquire the skills and confidence to rise to the challenges of their role.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Outline the role and responsibilities of a first-line manager
- Explain the expectations and boundaries when working as a supervisor
- Chose a leadership style that fits with the needs of the team
- Communicate with increased confidence for a variety of purposes
- Deal effectively with performance problems and conduct issues
- Give on the job instruction and constructive feedback to team members
- Understanding the role of the supervisor and the expectations of others
- Overview of the habits of highly effective supervisors
- Avoiding the seven sins of supervision
- Awareness of how leadership styles can affect team performance
- Achieving the right balance between task, team and individual
- Recognising signs and symptoms of low motivation
- Practical steps to improving motivation
- Overview of the communication process
- Identifying causes and effects of poor communication
- Preparing to communicate –who, what, why, where, when, how
- Developing communication skills – speaking, questioning and listening
- Awareness of non-verbal communication
- Maintaining standards of work and conduct
- Approaches to dealing with poor performance and knowing how to intervene
- Practice at giving constructive feedback to individuals
- How to conduct on the job instruction or coaching sessions
- Personal action notes
The trainer was very good and had great knowledge and gave new light for all parts of managing my team.
DB, Fishers Services Ltd
Everything was useful. The course will help me for my future.
MC, Fishers Services Ltd
Margaret’s confident and friendly delivery style made sure everyone relaxed and participated throughout the session.
MC, Tullis Russell Papermakers
Enjoyed the training and picked up some useful tips.
DO, Fife Council
Working as part of a team can be enjoyable and productive; at times it can also be a frustrating experience. A great deal depends on the level of understanding, trust and cooperation that exists between team members, and whether everyone truly works together to achieve the same goals. The practical activities in this one day course will provide insights into team roles and behaviour, how to deal with conflict and become a stronger team.
Who should attend
Anyone working as a team member or team leader who would like to develop and become a high performing team.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Explain the characteristics of effective teams
- Identify team roles along with strengths and weaknesses
- Recognise factors that can damage teamwork and take measures to avoid
- Describe how teams progress over time and the impact on team members
- Deal with conflict within the team in constructive ways
- Implement changes within own team for increased cohesion and performance
- Definitions of a team and advantages of teamwork
- Importance of team direction and characteristics of an effective team
- Considering team life cycle and how this develops over time
- The role of the team leader
- Analysis of team roles and the need for balance within the team
- Factors influencing why teams sometimes fail
- Understanding the needs and expectations of team members
- Improving communication skills and building good relationships within the team
- Sources of conflict within the team along with effects
- Finding the best approach to dealing with conflict
- What it takes to be a high performing team
- Practical team building exercises focusing on communication skills, problem solving, creativity, cooperation etc.
- Action notes for individuals and for the whole team
Plenty of opportunity for interaction and ideas to put into practice back at work.
LS, Fife Council
Thought the group activities were good and helped keep things interesting.
JC, First Scottish
Very well delivered course.
WR, Oceaneering
Meetings are an essential part of business life, but they can also be the source of much frustration and wasted time. Most problems arise from behavioural factors and poor chairing skills. This practical one day course focuses on how to get the most from meetings and on managing the behavioural aspects rather than the mechanics of formal meetings.
Who should attend
Managers, team leaders and others who spend a high proportion of their time at meetings.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Identify factors that contribute to the effectiveness of meetings
- Explain the roles and responsibilities of the Chairperson
- Prepare for, compile and structure agendas
- Use techniques for making meetings more stimulating and productive
- Chair meetings effectively and deal with behavioural issues that arise
- Make contributions at meetings assertively, calmly and at the right time
- Definitions and purposes of meetings
- Reviewing the effectiveness of meetings and typical problems that occur
- Role and responsibilities of the Chairperson
- How to create agendas that are more than a ‘shopping list’
- Overview of the skills required for effective chairing
- Non-verbal communication
- How to contribute with confidence and influence others
- Exploring the behavioural aspects of meetings
- Roles people play at meetings and how to deal with them constructively
- Techniques to kick start meetings and stimulate ideas
- Tips for keeping up momentum at meetings and making sure they are productive
- Practical meetings followed by feedback and discussion
- Personal action notes
Excellent with balance of individual and group inputs. Only wish I’d had this training years ago – I’m sure I’d have been more effective!
AH, Fife Council
Excellent facilitator. Explained everything clearly and ensured we were on right track during discussions. Would encourage other staff to attend this course.
YM, Fife Council
Engaging facilitator. Excellent supportive reference material. I have really enjoyed the sessions and the knowledge gained has made me reflect on my practice and modify procedures.
LM, Fife Council
Very well delivered, plenty of variety in format. Useful handouts.
EG, SAC Consulting
Excellent delivery. All our managers should undertake this training to have more productive and structured meetings.
IC, SAC Consulting
Coaching has its origins in the world of sport and is now widely recognised as a valuable tool in business to help employees improve their performance and reach their potential. This practical one day course will provide managers with an understanding of what is involved in coaching, along with the skills to start implementing coaching sessions with their team members.
Who should attend
Managers, team leaders and others who wish to develop their team members through coaching.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Define what coaching is and identify the benefits
- Decide when coaching is appropriate and the style to adopt
- Explain the concepts of ‘awareness’ and ‘responsibility’ within coaching
- Outline the GROW model of coaching
- Carry out a coaching session with a team member
- Identify opportunities for coaching and overcome potential obstacles
- Definitions and purposes of meetings
- Reviewing the effectiveness of meetings and typical problems that occur
- Role and responsibilities of the Chairperson
- How to create agendas that are more than a ‘shopping list’
- Overview of the skills required for effective chairing
- Non-verbal communication
- How to contribute with confidence and influence others
- Exploring the behavioural aspects of meetings
- Roles people play at meetings and how to deal with them constructively
- Techniques to kick start meetings and stimulate ideas
- Tips for keeping up momentum at meetings and making sure they are productive
- Practical meetings followed by feedback and discussion
- Personal action notes
Useful insights into what it takes to be a coach and I am now keen to develop my skills further.
GG, Babcock
Enjoyed the practical coaching sessions and getting feedback.
NT, Fife Council
Very good course with lots of practical examples.
LB, Fife Council
Performance appraisal or review systems are a feature of most organisations. Evidence suggests that all too often they fall by the wayside or become an annual ritual with little real value. This practical one day course can be based around your company appraisal documentation, providing the skills appraisers need in order to capture real business benefits from the appraisal process.
Who should attend
Managers at all levels who are required to carry out performance appraisal interviews or reviews with their team members.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Explain the purposes and benefits of appraisals and how they fit into the bigger picture of performance management
- Clarify standards and expectations in relation to individual jobs
- Plan and prepare for an appraisal interview
- Conduct an appraisal interview in a positive and professional manner
- Give constructive, motivational feedback and set SMART objectives
- Deal effectively with difficulties or disagreements at the appraisal interview
- Definitions of performance appraisal
- Purposes and benefits from different points of view
- What makes appraisals succeed or fail
- Identifying causes of poor performance
- Pros and cons of different approaches to dealing with performance issues
- Appraisals as part of other performance management strategies
- Clarifying what standards mean and how they will be measured
- Essential steps to preparing for an appraisal interview
- Importance of gathering evidence and examples
- Relating key business objectives to the appraisee’s job
- Setting an agenda for the appraisal meeting and planning questions
- Step by step guide to conducting the appraisal interview
- Do’s and don’ts for the appraiser
- How to set SMART objectives
- Practical appraisal interviews followed by feedback and discussion
- How to deal with objections, disagreements or other difficulties
- Personal action notes
Overall this was a very useful session and well presented. Margaret is a person that all participants warmed to and this prompted good interaction..
DV, Hardies
Very good, knowledgeable and relaxed.
SA, Hardies
Very useful discussions.
EH, Fife Coast & Countryside Trust
Enjoyed the role play interviews and the pivotal points exercise was particularly useful.
DW, Flexcon
Very well delivered course and relevant to our company appraisal system.
PF, Axon Cable
Making sure that the right people are recruited is vital for the success of every organisation. Poor selection decisions can have far reaching and sometimes very costly consequences. This practical 2 day course focuses on developing the skills required for interviewing and assessing candidates. It will also provide an understanding of the whole R&S process and the legal parameters.
Who should attend
Managers, team leaders and anyone else involved in the recruitment and selection of employees.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Outline the key stages in the recruitment and selection process
- Explain the recruiter’s obligations under the Equality Act
- Plan and prepare for a selection interview
- Devise and use effective questions to gather the necessary information
- Conduct a selection interview in a thorough and professional manner
- Assess candidates against set criteria and reach fair and justifiable decisions
- Recruitment and selection in context
- Overview of the key stages in recruitment and selection
- Legal aspects and what the Equality Act means in practice for recruiters
- Good and bad practice in selection interviewing
- Essential steps to preparing for a selection interview
- Question types and questioning skills
- Awareness of body language and effective listening skills
- How to establish rapport and put candidates at ease
- Keeping the interview on track using questioning techniques
- Reading body language signals from the candidate
- How to respond to different candidate behaviours e.g. nervous; too talkative
- Conducting practical interviews based on a given job description
- Assessing candidates against selection criteria
- Feedback and analysis of practical interviews
- Importance of keeping clear and accurate records of selection decisions
- Personal action notes
Excellent presentation and delivery. A very enjoyable and informative course.
MY, Fife Council
Excellent delivery and knowledge. Relaxed atmosphere and chance for everyone to speak.
LD, Fife Council
Thank you, I am sure this will improve my interview techniques.
MH, Fife Council
A well delivered/structured course that has provided assurance as well as food for thought. Quality of course materials excellent.
AM, Fife Constabulary
Very effective trainer. Put all students at ease and was very approachable. Good manner, which promoted interaction. Worthwhile course, extremely informative and required for being a panel member.
JC, Fife Constabulary
Very good effective trainer who has an in depth knowledge of the subject. I have taken a lot from this course which I will use in my next interview.
NG, Fife Constabulary
See our range of Communication & Personal Development courses. Many of these courses are relevant to managers. We can put together a package of management development training based around identified needs.
Contact Us to discuss your management training needs.