Communication & Personal Development
Margaret Johnston
Communication & Personal Development Courses
Personal Development training covers a broad spectrum of skills including how to communicate effectively; how to build relationships and influence others; how to deal with difficult people; how to manage your time; how to make presentations; how to write effectively; how to speed read etc.
The difference between an average performer and a great performer at work is often down to the so-called ‘soft skills’ and not just about technical competence.
Our courses will build confidence in communicating and dealing with people and boost productivity when carrying out tasks such as reading, writing and taking notes. Most courses are delivered over a single day. All courses are informal and interactive with the emphasis on building confidence and learning new skills to use back in the workplace.
Newleaf Associates delivers in-house tailored and bespoke courses in Scotland and in N. Ireland. We can travel to other UK cities accessible by rail or air from Edinburgh.
Click on the links below to see individual course overviews

Assertiveness is about clear, open, confident communication that maintains mutual respect and leads to positive outcomes for individuals and the organisation. Assertive behaviour does not come naturally to many people, but with the right insights and guidance anyone can learn to be assertive. This practical one day course allows participants to focus on their own situations and to learn skills and techniques that they can implement right away.
Who should attend
Anyone at any level who wants to develop a more assertive communication style (e.g. speaking up and not being passive; not reacting aggressively) and be able to deal more effectively and confidently in different situations with various people.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Define different behaviour types and recognise them in self and others, along with their effects
- Identify situations where they find it difficult to be assertive and to understand why this is and what to do about it
- Demonstrate and practise a range of assertiveness techniques including how to say ‘No’; how to make requests; how to respond to criticism or put downs; how to deal with aggression
- Plan their next steps in developing confidence and assertive behaviour
- Defining assertiveness – what it is and what it is not
- Benefits of assertiveness to individuals and the organisation
- Self-assertiveness questionnaire on assertiveness
- Internal beliefs and why assertiveness is not easy
- Rights and responsibilities
- Confidence – what it is and where it comes from
- Boosting self-esteem and confidence through assertiveness
- Recognising different behaviour styles and their effects on self and others
- Assertive words or phrases, body language and tone of voice
- How to make requests or state your views clearly and make yourself heard
- Responding to different styles and focusing on positive outcomes
- Tips for disagreeing in a positive way and avoiding aggression
- Different ways of Saying ‘No’ and not feeling guilty
- Responding to criticism and put downs
- Dealing constructively with aggression and conflict
- Using a structured approach to giving feedback about unwelcome behaviour
- Practical exercises working in groups and pairs to develop skills
- Personal action notes
Excellent delivery. The course was all relevant to me.
PW, Hanover Housing Association
Well put across and lots of relevant scenarios. Relaxed atmosphere aided participation.
NL, Hanover Housing Association
I enjoyed the whole day and Margaret made it easy to understand and follow.
FA, Hanover Housing Association
Interesting content and able to practise skills..
LD, Scottish Society for Autism
Plenty of discussion and learnt things I can use in my daily life.
LR, Fife Carers

Poorly written documents reflect badly on your organisation and can lead to loss of business, misunderstandings and wasted time. This very practical one day course covers the skills required to write clear, concise, effective documents that achieve their purpose. Participants are encouraged to bring samples of their own written work to the course as a basis for discussion and constructive feedback.
Who should attend
Anyone who wants to improve their writing skills for all types of documents and brush up their use of grammar and punctuation.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate a practical understanding of the essentials of grammar, punctuation and use of language
- Tackle a range of writing tasks with increased skills and confidence
- Produce written documents that are clear, concise, well structured and achieve the desired results
- Choose the right language, tone and degree of formality for different purposes
- Pros and cons of written communication and its importance at work
- Purposes of writing and different types of document
- Identifying common pitfalls and problem with written communication
- Refresher on grammar and punctuation with practical exercises
- Essential stages of writing and important questions to consider
- Tips for getting rid off writer’s block
- Planning and structuring with the purpose and readers in mind
- Constructing sentences with the right balance and emphasis
- Choosing language for clarity and to create the right tone
- Writing emails and awareness of email etiquette
- Practical writing exercises followed by feedback and discussion
- Personal action notes
Really enjoyed this course. Made me appreciate the English language again. Will be useful for future writing. Thank you!
AJ, NHS Scotland
Lots of useful tips which will help both at work and in my home studies. Overall a very good course – would recommend it to others.
CO, NHS Scotland
Excellent – varied, clear and good humoured! Very relevant content chosen to match usefulness for all course attendees.
RG, NHS Scotland
Excellent delivery. Useful course which will improve my writing skills.
AM, Sport Northern Ireland
The course covered all areas relevant to my line of work. There are lots of things I will implement straight away. Overall, very impressed with course and will recommend to colleagues.
KL, Stork Technical Services
Great delivery. Good opportunity to reflect and discuss writing.
DR, Perth & Kinross Council
Very relevant content. Ample time to ask questions.
VR, Moredun Research Institute
Friendly, helpful delivery. Very useful and relevant to the work and writing I do.
TP, Scottish Agricultural College
Effective communication is an important aspect of all jobs and vital to the success of every organisation. Misunderstandings, mixed messages and misconceptions lead to a multitude of problems and can cost millions. This practical one day course will make participants aware of the importance of good communication and help them improve their skills in everyday situations, including times when interpersonal conflict occurs.
Who should attend
Anyone who wishes to improve their communication skills and to deal more confidently and effectively with interpersonal conflict.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Explain the communication process and why problems occur
- Identify own strengths as a communicator as well as areas to develop
- Recognise different communication styles and their possible effects
- Use a range of communication skills to engage better with others
- Outline strategies for dealing with interpersonal conflict
- Build stronger working relationships and achieve more through being an effective communicator
- Definitions of effective communication
- Identifying common problems caused by poor communication at work
- Model of the communication process
- Recognising barriers to effective communication and ways to overcome
- How perceptions differ from one person to another
- Communication methods and their suitability
- Key questions when preparing to communicate – who, what, why, where, when, how
- Overview of communication skills
- Developing and practising listening skills
- Recognising the power of questions and developing questioning skills
- Understanding the importance of body language and rapport with others
- Awareness of own body language and how it affects communication
- Different communication styles and their effects on interpersonal relations
- Recognising own style and how it is likely to affect others
- Emotions and learning to control them
- Strategies for dealing constructively with interpersonal conflict
- Practical activities to develop skills and confidence
- Personal action notes
Content relevant, showed my faults and ways to deal with them. Very effective delivery using various examples and methods to put issues over.
DT, Moredun Research Institute
Very good course in all aspects.
LG, Moredun Research Institute
Thought it was useful and gave good insights.
SH, NHS Scotland
Differences or conflict between people emerge because of their actions or behaviour. The people involved may be managers, direct reports, colleagues or others and the behaviour may be aggression, lack of co-operation, negativity, unreasonableness etc. This one day course will give participants skills and strategies for dealing with difficult behaviour and conflict at work, while at the same time giving valuable insights into their own behaviour and how it can affect others.
Who should attend
Anyone who wants to gain some insight into why people behave in challenging ways and learn strategies for dealing with difficult behaviour in a professional and confident manner.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Demonstrate greater self-awareness, skills and confidence when dealing with difficult people
- Recognise different People Styles and know when and how to ‘flex’ own style
- Evaluate different options for dealing with difficult people and choose best one
- Use a range of assertiveness techniques for dealing with different situations
- Apply the principles of Transactional Analysis to improve interpersonal communication
- Defining what ‘difficult’ means to different people and being wary of ‘labels’
- Possible causes and effects of difficult behaviour
- Assessing own abilities and effectiveness at dealing with difficult people
- Considering Karpman’s Drama Triangle
- Exploring People Styles and how clashes can come about
- Awareness of own triggers and responses
- Options for dealing with conflict along with pros and cons
- Seeing issues from the other person’s perspective
- The art of self-control and avoiding escalation of the problem
- Essential steps when faced with having difficult conversations
- Using assertiveness techniques to defuse aggression and gain co-operation
- How to give constructive feedback relating to behaviour
- Introduction to Transactional Analysis (TA)
- Practical exercises and mini case studies relating to difficult ‘types’ and situations
- Personal action notes
Excellent delivery. Very relevant and useful. Will be able to put into practice.
MK, NHS Scotland
Great delivery – very enjoyable. Approachable trainer. Content tailored towards personal situations and very relevant.
JD, NHS Scotland
Found the course to be very useful and informative. Well presented and info imparted clearly and in a friendly, informed way.
KM, NHS Scotland
Trainer had very good knowledge of the subject and ready to give help and advice.
MM, Moredun Research Institute
Excellent delivery. A day very well spent.
VA, Creative Scotland
Thought the course was very helpful and the trainer is great.
RC, Creative Scotland
Meetings are an essential part of business life, but they can also be the source of much frustration and wasted time. Most problems arise from behavioural factors and poor chairing skills. This practical one day course focuses on how to get the most from meetings and on managing the behavioural aspects rather than the mechanics of formal meetings.
Who should attend
Managers, team leaders and others who spend a high proportion of their time at meetings.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Identify factors that contribute to the effectiveness of meetings
- Explain the roles and responsibilities of the Chairperson
- Prepare for, compile and structure agendas
- Use techniques for making meetings more stimulating and productive
- Chair meetings effectively and deal with behavioural issues that arise
- Make contributions at meetings assertively, calmly and at the right time
- Definitions and purposes of meetings
- Reviewing the effectiveness of meetings and typical problems that occur
- Role and responsibilities of the Chairperson
- How to create agendas that are more than a ‘shopping list’
- Overview of the skills required for effective chairing
- Non-verbal communication
- How to contribute with confidence and influence others
- Exploring the behavioural aspects of meetings
- Roles people play at meetings and how to deal with them constructively
- Techniques to kick start meetings and stimulate ideas
- Tips for keeping up momentum at meetings and making sure they are productive
- Practical meetings followed by feedback and discussion
- Personal action notes
Excellent with balance of individual and group inputs. Only wish I’d had this training years ago – I’m sure I’d have been more effective!
AH, Fife Council
Excellent facilitator. Explained everything clearly and ensured we were on right track during discussions. Would encourage other staff to attend this course.
YM, Fife Council
Engaging facilitator. Excellent supportive reference material. I have really enjoyed the sessions and the knowledge gained has made me reflect on my practice and modify procedures.
LM, Fife Council
Very well delivered, plenty of variety in format. Useful handouts.
EG, SAC Consulting
Excellent delivery. All our managers should undertake this training to have more productive and structured meetings.
IC, SAC Consulting
Being successful and achieving goals at work often requires the ability to exert positive influence on a range of people and at times to negotiate with them. This can be a daunting prospect when the people concerned have different agendas or priorities. This practical one day course will equip participants with tools and strategies to become more effective influencers and negotiators. It will also highlight productive and non-productive behaviours.
Who should attend
Anyone in roles such as admin and support, project teams, multi-agency and partnership working, which involve influencing people they do not manage.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Explain what is meant by ‘influencing’ and ‘negotiating’ and outline the keys skills, behaviours and tactics required for successful outcomes
- Recognise sources of power and how to use personal power in a positive way
- Understand different influencing styles and be able to decide on style to adopt
- Use positive influencing skills in different situations
- Explain the 4 stage of negotiation and how to handle them effectively
- Use a range of negotiation tactics to reach Win:Win outcomes
- Definitions and awareness of the differences between influencing and negotiating
- Situations at work where influencing or negotiating is required
- Self-assessment questionnaire on influencing styles
- Analysing different styles and considering when to use them
- Understanding the concept of power and how it relates to influencing
- Awareness of own sources of power and where these can be used appropriately
- Principles and tactics for effective influencing
- Using the persuasive funnel
- Essential skills and attitudes for influencing
- Behaviours to avoid when influencing
- Importance of rapport building and how to achieve it
- Awareness of language and words or phrases to avoid
- Principles of negotiation and introduction to the 4 stages of negotiation
- Understanding the use or variables and handling movement and concessions
- Reading body language and using to your advantage
- Common mistakes in negotiation and how to avoid them
- Practical exercises in influencing and negotiation
- Personal action notes
Very good course with plenty of variety and useful techniques that will assist me in my job.
JM, Creative Scotland
Enjoyed the session very much.
CR, Creative Scotland
Very well presented course that kept me interested.
LB, Fife Council
Making a presentation can be a daunting prospect for even the most confident of people. In fact it is listed amongst our ‘Top Ten Fears’, along with spiders, flying – and even death! This very practical 2 day course is ideal for anyone who wants to make presentations that are professional and memorable for all the right reasons.
Who should attend
Inexperienced presenters who wish to develop their skills and become more confident. Also experienced presenters who would like to practise and give more polished performances.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Plan and structure a presentation suitable for audience and purpose
- Use techniques for overcoming or coping better with nerves
- Deliver a presentation clearly and with confidence
- Design and use visual aids to best effect
- Handle audience questions and deal with any difficult ‘types’ effectively
- Evaluate training through different methods and maximise transfer of learning
- Key features of great presentations
- Importance of setting objectives and targeting the audience properly
- Preparation – techniques for gathering information and ideas
- Survival tips when landed with a presentation at the last minute
- Structuring a presentation using a 3 part approach
- The importance of strong beginnings and endings and how to achieve
- Creating and using notes to support delivery
- Choosing and using visual aids to best effect
- Tips for reducing and coping better with nerves
- Making best use of voice and using positive body language during delivery
- Techniques for handling audience questions
- How to deal with difficult ‘types’ and stay in control
- Practical presentations followed by feedback exchange and coaching
- Personal action notes
I am glad I attended this course and feel much more confident about presenting in the future. Trainer was very encouraging, supportive and gave good constructive criticism. Excellent materials for future reference .
JR, NHS Scotland
Feel this course has helped give me the skills and confidence to carry out more presentations and deal with my weak points to make delivery more slick..
LM, NHS Scotland
Excellent, plenty of practice and interaction between group members. Recommend to others..
BA, NHS Scotland
Enjoyed the session very much.
LM, NHS Scotland
Excellent course! Fully met my needs and has massively increased my confidence in conducting presentations..
AT, Fife Coast & Countryside Trust
Videoing was excellent, got a different perspective. Liked that there was a lot of input from everyone.
DG, Scottish Agricultural College
Excellent delivery. I really enjoyed the course even though I was dreading it!
HL. Moredun Research Institute
Writing reports is a method of communication commonly used in organisations. It is also viewed by many as an onerous and time consuming task. This one day course will enable participants to take a systematic approach to planning and writing reports, thus saving time. It will also focus on improving writing skills by clarifying essential elements of language, grammar and style expected in formal reports. Participants are encouraged to bring along samples of reports they have written; these will be used for discussion and feedback purposes.
Who should attend
Anyone who writes reports in the course of their work and would like to improve their skills, efficiency and confidence.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Outline the purposes of a report and the importance of targeting the reader/s correctly
- Identify the different parts of a report and what each should achieve
- Use techniques to plan and structure a report effectively
- Write in a style that is clear, concise and appropriate to overall purpose
- Review own reports systematically and make improvements
- Definitions and purposes of reports
- Determining the readership along with their various needs
- Overview of the key stages in report writing
- Parts of a report and what each is meant to achieve
- Techniques for collecting and handling information
- Deciding on best structure to suit main purpose and readership
- Quick refresher on grammar and punctuation
- Achieving an effective writing style through use of language, tone etc.
- Measuring readability and reducing the ‘fog factor’
- How to review a report following the 4 ‘C’s
- Tips for effective presentation and layout
- Practical writing exercises with individual feedback from the trainer
- Personal action notes
Excellent course that provided good simple guidelines for effective report writing.
DG, Scottish Agricultural College
Course was delivered in a very relaxed manner. This made me feel more at ease about my writing and discussing my writing.
SR, Scottish Agricultural College
I felt the course was relevant to the work that we do. Very relaxed but very effective and helpful in making you think what is appropriate and what is not.
LM, Fife Council
Trainer was friendly, approachable, well prepared and informed. Material flowed easily and in a logical manner.
TH, Fife Council
I felt the trainer was very effective and helpful and explained things well. The course materials and exercises were very clear and easy to understand.
SS, Fife Council
People often feel swamped by the volume of reading material that lands on their desk or computer screen. Learning to speed read is the ideal solution to getting through reading material faster and more efficiently. This practical one day course takes a structured approach to teaching the skills of speed reading. Most participants manage to double or even triple their reading speeds by the end of the course – and still maintain good levels of comprehension.
Who should attend
Managers, lawyers, researchers and anyone else who has to read large volumes of written material. Also valuable for anyone undertaking a course of professional study.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Explain the principles behind speed reading
- Identify bad reading habits and ways of overcoming them
- Read at significantly increased speeds
- Demonstrate a more flexible and effective approach to reading, resulting in better levels of comprehension
- Introduction and background to speed reading
- Initial assessment of reading speeds
- Factors influencing how people read
- Categories of reading speeds
- Factors influencing how people read
- Understanding the significance of eye movements and improving eye span
- Speeding up – practical exercises
- Four stages to remembering and greater effectiveness
- Using different reading gears
- Awareness of structure of written documents
- Further practical exercises and final assessment of reading speeds
- Personal action notes
Thoroughly enjoyed the course. Will put into practice the learning – it will be beneficial.
AG, Scottish Government
Excellent – really productive day. Thanks very much.
JL, Scottish Government
Very helpful and approachable trainer. Overall I enjoyed the course and the techniques will help me in my work.
GL, Scottish Legal Complaints Commission
Excellent delivery. Would recommend the course to others.
RM, Baillie Gifford
Effective presentation and delivery. The course was most enjoyable and I look forward to practising the techniques.
GW, MacRoberts LLP
Excellent presentation and delivery. Worth taking time out of busy schedule as I can see increased speed will more than make up for course time.
LC, Scottish Agricultural College
Delivery was professional, accessible and fun. I found the course very useful.
GB, CCEA, Belfast
Excellent and well worthwhile course. A lot of material covered but done in an interesting way that made learning easy.
GL, CCEA, Belfast
One of the greatest difficulties when taking notes is keeping up with the speaker and capturing sufficient detail. It can also be difficult to understand and transcribe hastily scribbled notes or abbreviations made up on the spot. This practical one day course introduces a system of speed writing that uses the standard English alphabet and, in contrast to traditional shorthand which takes years to master, this system can be learned in a single day. On-going practice is essential to build up speed and confidence.
Who should attend
Anyone who has to take notes at meetings, interviews, disciplinary hearings or deal with complex telephone messages and would like to do so with greater speed and accuracy.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Explain the principles of speed writing and how it differs from traditional shorthand
- Recognise different word types and how to create abbreviations
- Take notes faster and more efficiently at meetings, interviews etc.
- Use handy tips for taking telephone messages and improve listening skills
- Introduction to speed writing
- Common abbreviations and shortcuts
- Explanation of different word group categories
- Omitting silent letters and vowels
- Making standard abbreviations for words or terminology frequently used in own workplace
- Creating and using abbreviations for common prefixes
- Tips for taking telephone messages
- Good listening habits
- Preparing to take notes at meetings and interviews
- Identifying compound words and how to abbreviate them
- Creating and using abbreviations for common suffixes
- Practical exercises to build up familiarity and speed
- Personal action notes
Very good clear instructions. Very helpful and motivating. Enjoyed the course very much!!
SC, CCEA, Belfast
Very effective delivery. Definitely will help in day to day business.
RH, CCEA, Belfast
Very thorough course and delivery.
AR, CCEA, Belfast
Time management is really about self-management and learning to work smarter rather than work harder. It also means being willing to change and adopt new, or more productive habits. This one day course offers practical tools and techniques for making best use of time, feeling more in control and reducing stress levels. Participants are asked to complete a time log prior to attendance. Full instructions and a template are provided to facilitate this task.
Who should attend
Anyone who wants to learn how to use their time more effectively, to achieve their goals and in general to feel more in control of their workload.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Analyse time use and identify time wasters, unproductive habits etc. and take steps to avoid or deal with them effectively
- Understand own working style and the impact it has on managing time
- Plan, prioritise and schedule tasks in line with urgency and importance
- Set up efficient systems for dealing with paperwork and emails
- Use assertiveness techniques to manage interruptions and say ‘No’
- Time as a resource and key principles of time management
- Benefits of better time management – personal and organisational
- Analysis of current time use and alignment with key job objectives
- Identifying time wasters and other barriers to good time management
- Different working styles and impact on personal productivity
- Time management quadrants – Urgent versus Important
- Getting organised – setting objectives, planning and prioritising
- Conquering procrastination – the greatest ‘thief of time’
- Awareness of personal prime time and what to do with it
- The Pareto Principle or 80:20 rule
- Using assertiveness techniques for managing interruptions and saying ‘No’
- Using planning tools including Outlook
- Tips for dealing efficiently with paperwork and emails
- Practical exercises and questionnaires
- Personal action plans and committing to new habits
Very helpful and very relevant. Course enjoyable, good steady pace. Very much needed.
MM, Hanover Housing Association
Excellent delivery. The course covered many areas and all were relevant to our work. It was good to see other people’s reaction to what was discussed.
BB, Muir Construction
Very good delivery. Common sense approach and time given for ‘student’ input.
IW, Northern Lighthouse Board
Content relevant not just to work but home as well. Trainer was effective, knowledgeable and personable.
DT, Moredun Research Institute
Content extremely relevant. Margaret was helpful, effective and knowledgeable.
EM, Scottish Agricultural College
Excellent delivery. Helpful content to pass on to other colleagues too.
NF, Bell Ingram
If you are looking for personal development training for an individual, have a look at our Open Courses and One to One Coaching.
Contact us to discuss your Communication & Personal Development Training needs.