Presentation Tips 4: How to plan a presentation

Have you ever listened to a really great presenter and perhaps thought to yourself – ‘I wish I could present like that.’ The fact is, what you see and hear is only a fraction. It’s a bit like an iceberg where as much as […]

Presentation Tips 3: How to get rid of Murphy Monkey

In recent posts I’ve shared a number of tips on how to deal with anxiety and nerves so they aren’t a major stumbling block to your success when speaking in public.

One of the ideas I put forward was that you should visualise yourself being […]

Presentation Tips 2: How to deal with presentation anxiety

You are not alone if you feel nervous about giving a presentation – in fact it is totally natural. However, being nervous doesn’t need to be a barrier to delivering a great presentation. It’s a case of accepting that anxiety occurs and then taking […]

Presentation Tips 1: How to face up to presentation anxiety

When I deliver Presentation Skills training courses and ask delegates what they would like to gain from the course, the most common response is: ‘to control my nerves better and to feel more confident.’ Perhaps you would say the same? You will probably agree […]

Newleaf Associates New website

To celebrate the start of our 10th year, we are delighted to launch our brand new website. You will find information on our courses and services, client testimonials and lots of reviews from people who have attended our courses.
Please have a browse and let […]